Who was Zeus?
Zeus was king of all the gods. Zeus ruled the entire universe - no one was mightier than the mighty Zeus. Zeus was not afraid of anything except possibly his wife, the horrible Hera.
He had many powers, some magical, and some that came with his office. Magically, Zeus was the only god who could throw lightning bolts. He could shape shift, and look like anybody. He could throw his voice and sound like anybody. As an elected official, king of all the gods, he could assign jobs to other gods, and take those jobs away.
Hera: Greek Myths for Kids
Who was Hera?
The mighty Zeus, king of all the gods, had three sisters. Demeter was the goddess of the crops. Hestia was the goddess of hearth and home. And Hera was the goddess of marriage. She was married to Zeus, even though he was her brother. That made Hera the queen of all the gods. Hera and Zeus had two kids - Ares, the god of war, and Hephaestus, the god of fire. But Zeus had kids by other mothers including Apollo, Artemis, Hermes, and Hercules. Hera was very jealous of these children and their mothers. If she could hurt them, she did. Hera was smart, and devious, and downright evil sometimes. She tried to killHercules. Zeus spent a great deal of time protecting his children from Hera's wrath.