domingo, 14 de mayo de 2017


Eating Healthy
Story By: Andrew Frinkle
Ethan loved eating chicken nuggets, pizza, fries, and burgers. To drink, he always liked milk shakes, cola, or sugary drinks. The sweeter it was, the more he liked it.
“You can’t keep eating this stuff!” Ethan’s mom complained.
“Why? It tastes so good.”
His mother frowned and crossed her arms. “You eattoo much sugar.”
“Yum! Sugar.” Ethan smiled happily.
“Look at what you’re eating for breakfast.”
Ethan looked at the food in front of him. It looked good to him. “I’m having Juice, super
rainbow sugar sprinkle krispies, and a donut.” He smiled and took a bite of his glazed, jelly-filled
donut. He chewed and then stopped when his teeth began to ache.
“Ethan, you’re going to have to go to the dentist if you’re getting cavities.”
“No, I’m not!” Ethan denied it. He took another bite to prove he was fine. His teeth really ached, though.
“See?” His mother sighed.
“Why do all the delicious things have to be bad for me? I can’t eat broccoli forever. I’m not arabbit.”
“I know, but you don’t get all the vitamins and minerals you need from the stuff you like to eat.
All that food is sugar and fat. You need good food for healthy teeth, eyes, and even your brain!” His
mother explained. “If you can’t start making healthy choices more often, I won’t buy any junk food orsweets to keep in the house for snacks.”
“That’s not fair!” Ethan whined.
Whining didn’t work with mother. It made her more serious. “Snacks are supposed to be
occasional treats, not your regular meals. I should have bought more healthy breakfast foods for you.
Tomorrow you will have eggs, toast without jam, bacon, some fresh fruit, and a glass of milk.”
“That doesn’t sound too bad.”
“I’m not going to put all these sweets in your lunch anymore, either. You will get yogurt,
raisins, or fresh fruit for your dessert in your lunch, okay?”
Ethan didn’t want to agree, but his mom’s suggestion wasn’t really that bad. Maybe his teeth
wouldn’t hurt so much anymore, either. He really didn’t like trips to the dentist.
Skill - Reading Comprehension Name_____________________________

Use the information in the story to answer the questions below.
1. What kind of food does Ethan like to eat?
 A. Healthy food
 B. Only meat
 C. Sweet food
 D. Organic food
2. Why do Ethan’s teeth hurt?
 A. He’s getting cavities.
 B. He’s chewing too much.
 C. He just went to the dentist.
 D. None of the above
3. Which is a NOT a reason why Ethan’s mom wants him to eat healthy?
 A. Healthy foods have vitamins.
 B. Healthy foods won’t hurt his teeth.
 C. Healthy foods help his body.
 D. Healthy foods taste bad.
4. Why does Ethan think he won’t mind breakfast tomorrow?
 A. He gets to eat the same sweet stuff still.
 B. He gets to go to a restaurant for breakfast.
 C. He gets to eat ice cream for breakfast.
 D. The food he gets to eat tomorrow sounds delicious.
5. What is another benefit for Ethan of eating healthy?
 A. He won’t have to see the dentist so often.
 B. He will get fat.
 C. He will not like the food.

 D. He will be sad, because he can’t eat delicious food.