viernes, 27 de julio de 2018

BIG NATE (Here Goes Nothing) WORKSHOP #

READING ANALYSIS. (Pages : from page # 82 to #117)
Image result for big nate here goes nothing
1. What is MOLD?
2. How long does it take to get rid of MOLD in the school?
3. Where will NATE and his friends attend classes?
4. Who is the principal of Jefferson Middle School?
5. Where is Mr. Nichols located in the school? page 101
6. What do they have to do as soon as they receive their schedules?
7. Who is Jenny and what is her relation with NATE?

1. MOLD: (page# 83)
2. RIVAL: ( page# 94)
3. GROUND: ( page # 95)
4. DUMP: ( page# 97)
5. SWANKY: (page # 100)
6. MOTION SENSORS: (page# 100)
7. CHEERLEADING: (page# 111)
8. FACILITIES: (page# 113)
9. RIP-OFF:(page# 117)
10. GUESS: ( page# 117)

martes, 17 de julio de 2018

BIG NATE (Here Goes Nothing) WORKSHOP # 3

Image result for big nate here goes nothing page 62


1. What did Nate's gramps give money to him for?
2. What's the life guard name?
3. What does the horoscope say about Nate's zodiac sign? Is it right or wrong?
4. On chapter "BUY BYE" what does Nate ask his father for?
5. What did Nate decided to buy the first and the second time?
6. When did Nate's father start saving money for his college fund?
7. What did they use to play in Teddy's driveway?

1. LAME ( page 59)
2. OUTDOOR (page 60)
3. BINDER ( page 66)
4. SLUMP (page 68)
5. GRIP (page 68)
6. BOGUS (page 69)
7. RANDOM (page 71)
8. LIFE GUARD (page 72)
9. SASSY (page 74)
10. ALL OF A SUDDEN (page 70)